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How to update the KIYO GPS U1

  • Checking the software version and the date of the database.  Point 22 of the menu system shows the software version, while in point 23 you can see the date of the current database. Compare these to the numbers under the “GPS” logo on the website and if they are different, a new update is available. In this case, the first step is to download the updating software.
  • To download the program, simply click on the green “DOWNLOAD” button on the right side of the website, under the “GPS” logo. The downloading process may differ in each browser, therefore in case of any problem, check the settings of your browser. In order to give you the best quality and product support, it is imperative for us that you always use the latest official software on your KIYO devices. To receive new updates as soon as possible and to ensure that the software on your device is official, you need to register your product on the website of the manufacturer. For our registered partners we automatically send a username and a password, which can be used to download the official updates.
  • Connecting the detector to the computer
  • Installation of the software
    • Double-click on the downloaded “exe” file to run it.
    • With the help of the data cable included in the set, connect the detector to the computer.
    • After clicking on the Run button, the setup window will appear. The version number of the software is shown on the upper-left corner of this window. If this number and the one under the “GPS” logo of the website are the same, then the update is unnecessary. If the number of the downloaded software is higher, then click on the “Update” button and the updating process will run automatically. 

Downloading the User Manual of the GPS U1 detector

The user manual helps with the proper installation and configuration of the GPS U1 device. To download the manual, simply click on the “DOWNLOAD” button under the User Manual section, on the right side of the website. 

In case of any urgent question regarding the update of the GPS U1 or any other KIYO products, feel free to contact us at info@kiyotechnology.com .

Download update

Version: F050

Language: English


Download user manual