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Software update

Updating the KIYO VTX900GPS

The software, database and voice feature can be updated with the help of a computer. In the following pages you may find the detailed steps of the update process. In case of any problems regarding the update, contact us on the +36 62 202 303 phone number or through the info@kiyotechnology.com e-mail address.

In order to give you the best quality and product support, it is imperative for us that you always use the latest official software on your KIYO devices. To receive new updates as soon as possible and to ensure that the software on your device is official, you need to register your product on the website of the manufacturer. For our registered partners we automatically send a username and a password, which can be used to download the official updates.

In order to receive the password for the update and the proper product support, register your product on the following website:
KIYO Technology registration

Available updates:

  • Software update:
    It contains the menu and the basic functions. In the next to last point of the menu (31.) a VX.XX you can see the version number. (pl.: V1.23)
  • Database update:
    contains the GPS coordinates of the various dangerous zones and points. The database version is shown in the penultimate point (31.) of the menu system, in a 6-digit form. (e.g.: 160530 = May 30, 2016.)
  • Voice file update:
    the update of the voice files is required only if the voice feature of the device is slow or malfunctioning.

When is it necessary to update the software of the device?

A software update is required when the software version shown on the website is newer than the version of your device. For example, if the software of your device is V1.23, but the website shows the number V1.30, then the update is necessary.

The database has to be updated when the date of the “Free database update” on the website is newer than the database version of your device. For example, if the database version of your device is 151230, but the website shows the number 160530 (May 30, 2016), then the update is necessary.

The software and database version numbers of your device are shown in the 31. (penultimate) point of the menu system. To enter the menu system, press and hold the [DIV/MENU] button for 3 seconds after activating the device. Here, you can navigate with the [<] [>] buttons.


On the left side you can see the version number
on the right side the data base number.

Installing the USB driver:

When connecting the KIYO VTX900GPS device to your computer for the first time, you have to install a driver in order to establish the USB connection between the two devices. To download the driver, find the “USB driver” section on the right side of the website and click on the green “download” button.


Installing the USB driver of the KIYO VTX900GPS device:
  • Connect the device to your computer with the USB cable. When successfully connected, the following will appear on the display of the device: “PC CONNECTED”.
  • Download the USB driver by clicking on the “DOWNLOAD” button under the “ZIP” icon.

    The downloading process may differ in each browser, therefore in case of any problem, check the settings of your browser.

    The compressed .zip file can be opened with a few clicks, depending on the used file manager program. In case of any problem, check the help section of your file manager.

  • Install the downloaded USB driver!
    • The USB driver can only be installed on computers with Windows operating system. There are two installation files in the downloaded folder, named “CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe” and “CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe”. Run the “x86” file if you have a 32-bit operating system and run the “x64” file if you have a 64-bit OS. If necessary, you may find information on the internet about how to check your OS.

      By following the installation instructions, the USB driver of the VTX900GPS device will be activated on your computer.

Updating database:

By downloading the latest free database, your device can always be up-to-date. The database can be updated with the USB cable, included in the set. Do not forget, that when connecting the device to the computer for the first time, you have to install the USB driver first. To download the latest database, find the “Database update” section on the right side of the website and click on the green “DOWNLOAD” button.


Database updating process

    • Download the database updater file!
      The downloading process may differ in each browser, therefore in case of any problem, check the settings of your browser. For our registered partners we automatically send a username and a password, which can be used to download the official updates. If you have not registered yet, you can do it on the following website: KIYO Technology registration

  • Run the downloaded database updater file!
    After double-clicking on the file, the program window of the KIYO VTX900GPS will appear. On the upper side, you can see the current database version number of your device (in a date format), while the version of the updater can be seen on the bottom of the window. If the two numbers are the same, the update is not necessary. In case the upper number is older than the other, then you can initiate the updating process by clicking on the “Start” button. After updating successfully, a new window will appear with the following text: “Success Download”. After this, the windows and the updating software can be closed.

Software update

The software of the detector contains the basic functions and the menu system of the device. It can be updated with the USB cable, included in the set. Do not forget, that when connecting the device to the computer for the first time, you have to install the USB driver first. To download the latest software, find the “Software update” section on the right side of the website and click on the green “DOWNLOAD” button.


Software updating process

    • Download the updater file!
      The downloading process may differ in each browser, therefore in case of any problem, check the settings of your browser. For our registered partners we automatically send a username and a password, which can be used to download the official updates. If you have not registered yet, you can do it on the following website:

  • Run the downloaded software updater file!
    After double-clicking on the file, the program window of the KIYO VTX900GPS will appear. On the upper side, you can see the current software version number of your device, while the version of the updater can be seen on the bottom of the window. If the two numbers are the same, the update is not necessary. In case the upper number is older than the other, then you can initiate the updating process by clicking on the “Start” button. After updating successfully, a new window will appear with the following text: “Success Download”. After this, the windows and the updating software can be closed.

    Voice file update

    The update of the voice files is required only if the voice feature of the device is slow or malfunctioning. If you have not experienced these, then do not install the update! To install the update, find the “Voice file update” section on the right side of the website and click on the green “Download” button.


    Voice file updating process

    • Download the voice file updater!
      The downloading process may differ in each browser, therefore in case of any problem, check the settings of your browser. For our registered partners we automatically send a username and a password, which can be used to download the official updates. If you have not registered yet, you can do it on the following website:
    • Run the downloaded voice file updater!
      After double-clicking on the file, the program window of the KIYO VTX900GPS will appear. On the upper side, you can see the current voice file version of your device, while the version of the updater can be seen on the bottom of the window. If the two numbers are the same, the update is not necessary. In case the upper number is older than the other, then you can initiate the updating process by clicking on the “Start” button. After updating successfully, a new window will appear with the following text: “Success Download”. After this, the windows and the updating software can be closed.

        Downloading the User Manual of the KIYO VTX900GPS device

        The User Manual helps with the proper installation and configuration of the KIYO VTX900GPS device. To download the manual, simply click on the “DOWNLOAD” button under the User Manual section, on the right side of the website.

        USB driver

        Database update

        Version: 250113



        Software update

        Version: v1.41



        Voice update

        Version: v1.31

        Language: Hungarian/English



        Download user manual